Fixing What We Can
Michigan voters have consistently ranked fixing the state’s infrastructure as their top issue of concern.
Funding for Michigan’s infrastructure still falls far short of meeting the well-documented and quantified road, bridge, underground, and water system repair and replacement needs. However, to date, our elected officials have been unable to agree on a plan that would achieve that proper funding over the long term.
Michigan’s infrastructure workers continue to dedicate long, hard hours to fix what they can with the limited and insufficient resources available. While more funding is needed, we are indebted to the hard-working residents doing what they can to keep their communities and our infrastructure as safe and operational as possible.
By the Numbers
miles of Michigan’s paved roadways are rated in poor or fair condition
$3.9 billion
more annual investment needed to properly fund road repairs and maintenance
$16.3 billion
contributed by the construction industry in 2020 to Michigan’s economy
Michigan’s Construction Industry
Meet the companies working across the state to make our roads, bridges, dams, and underground infrastructure safer. The construction industry is committed to doing what they can with what they have until our elected officials listen to the will of Michigan residents and pass a long-term funding solution.