Most Michiganders are aware how hazardous driving in the winter can be.

But far fewer understand that the fall months provide their own set of challenges for motorists. Falling leaves, cooler temps, shorter days and fog and frost are just a few of the driving hazards to watch out for in October and November.

Rain and wet leaves

Wet leaves combined with lower temperatures can cause tires to lose their grip. Motorists should drive cautiously in wet conditions.

Deer collisions

Deer are most active from October to January, especially during the dusk and dawn hours. Avoid deer on the roadways by slowing down during peak hours, paying attention to road signs and using your high beams to increase visibility when possible.

Earlier sunsets

The days get shorter in the fall, so you’ll find yourself driving in the dark more often. Make sure you’re staying alert during nighttime hours. Be on the lookout for pedestrians and turn your headlights on during dawn or dusk hours and keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

School children

Back to school means you’ll likely encounter busy crosswalks and bus stops. Since more students are walking and biking to school, you’ll need to stay alert around schools and neighborhoods. Also be aware of bus safety and school drop-off procedures and avoid those areas when possible.

This article originally appeared in MLive. For more, click here