Gov. Rick Snyder presented his $56.3 billion budget vision for Fiscal Year 2018 to the state legislature on Wednesday, putting an emphasis on additional funding for infrastructure like roads and bridges.

FY 2018 runs from Oct. 1, 2017 through Sept. 30, 2018.

In total the Governor’s FY 2018 budget recommendation totals $56.3 billion, $10.1 billion of which is state general fund dollars. That’s a 2.5 percent increase in the overall budget and 1.75 percent increase in general fund.

One area Snyder is looking to increase is infrastructure funding, for items like roads and bridges.

His recommendations build on the work of the 21st Century Infrastructure Commission he created last year. In a November report, the group recommended increasing the state’s investment in infrastructure, including things like roads, bridges, utilities and communication systems.

Snyder’s budget proposes a $20 million deposit into the Michigan Infrastructure Fund, $2 million to implement a pilot program on a statewide asset management database to help coordinate infrastructure projects, a $214.3 million increase over FY 2017 levels for state and local roads and $15 million for transit and rail programs.