The Road Commission for Oakland County keeps a list of the top 30 priority gravel road segments in the county and identifies one mile to pave each year. This can cost anywhere from $2.5 million to $3.5 million.

Each year, the Oakland County Federal Aid Committee allocates $2 million in federal dollars for gravel road paving. A local match is also required from the community in which the road is being paved.

This year’s gravel road paving project is taking place along Napier Road between 9 Mile and 10 Mile roads.

Even though there are hundreds of miles of gravel road segments in the county, only a select few will get paved in the next 5 to 10 years. The road commission selects the paving projects based on a variety of factors including:

• Traffic volume

• Community priority (as conveyed by the township supervisors)

• Road function (is it a parallel route to an important corridor?)

• Corridor completeness (Is it the last gravel mile in an otherwise paved corridor that serves an important function?)