A new underground stormwater infiltration system on the U-M campus will help protect university buildings from potential floods while benefiting the environment and city of Ann Arbor.

The infiltration system will reduce the likelihood of flooding at Tisch Hall and other university infrastructure beyond a 100-year, 24-hour storm event, will free up capacity in the university’s and city of Ann Arbor’s stormwater systems, will reduce flows to Allen Creek Drain, and will replenish groundwater.

Construction will begin after commencement and is scheduled to be completed this fall. The project is phased to avoid interference with the Ann Arbor Art Fair and minimize impacts on pedestrians and parking.

The project supports U-M’s sustainability goal to protect Huron River water quality by minimizing runoff from impervious surfaces.

READ MORE AT: http://record.umich.edu/articles/stormwater-system-be-installed-central-campus