Michigan is truly the comeback state. Working together, we are proving to the world that Michigan is the best place to live and work with abundant career opportunities and beautiful scenery.

Recently, I spent an entire week traveling the state, discussing different infrastructure and environmental needs. These include providing statewide access to high-quality broadband, cleaning up and redeveloping environmentally contaminated sites, stopping invasive carp, fixing our aging water infrastructure and increasing our meager recycling rate.

I view each of these as an integral piece to a strong foundation for Michigan’s future, and for the future of our residents, our economy and our environment. For example, broadband is no longer a luxury but a necessity for students, many fields of work and businesses. And an immediate response is needed to stop Asian carp, the most severe threat to our Great Lakes and the $7 billion fishing and boating economy they support.

Michigan also needs to take more deliberate action to address the continued clean-up of abandoned and contaminated sites, economic development and environmental issues that can positively impact public health and property values.

READ MORE AT: https://www.freep.com/story/opinion/contributors/2018/02/15/michigan-infrastructure-costs/337895002/