Sturgis Township Board of Trustees voted unanimously Monday to apply for $75,000 from a St. Joseph County infrastructure loan fund, to help finance subdivision road repair.
Trustees also voted to add roads in up to five more residential subdivisions to its summer project list for paving and chip-and-seal.
The board initially had allocated up to $75,000, matched by the St. Joseph County Road Commission, to pave roads in the White Fawn Subdivision this year. But when that project came in below initial price estimates, trustees agreed to bump the allocation up another $21,000 to chip-and-seal roads in Green Pastures, Ken Large, Poley’s Acres, Pfaff and Ellis Drive subdivisions.
If all those streets can be finished in 2017, that will leave Elaine Manor and Andersohn Emerson subdivision roads for coming years. Their combined estimated cost of about $185,000 could be prime uses for a county loan.
Supervisor George Morse said St. Joseph County has established a $200,000 fund to be disbursed on a first-come, first-serve basis for governmental units seeking money to finance infrastructure projects for up to five years.