KALAMAZOO, MI — More than 900 gallons of sewage flowed out of two locations in the city of Kalamazoo Saturday.

First, the city’s Department of Public Services was notified at 12:14 p.m. of a sanitary sewer overflow from a manhole located east of 2024 Sunnyside Drive. Staff removed the blockage at 2 p.m., though it’s estimated 848 gallons of material were discharged from the sanitary sewer manhole.

Later, the department was notified of another sanitary sewer overflow from a manhole located at 1010 Fenwick Place. Staff removed the blockage at 4 p.m., within an hour of being notified. An additional 60 gallons were estimated to have overflown there.

As required by law, Water Reclamation Plant personnel notified the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality at the Kalamazoo District Office and the Kalamazoo County Environmental Health and Community Services of both spills.

READ MORE AT: http://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2017/04/900_gallons_of_sewage_spills_i.html